Origin: France
Description: small, winged bunches; berries average, spherical, beautiful bluish black, pulps soft, herbaceous taste.
Carménère is very similar to
Cabernet franc.
Production: budburst fairly early, It is tempremental, vigorous and not very fertile on the basal buds and longer pruning is recommended. It is sometimes prone to the coulure and should not be planted on fertile soils or in cold areas. Carménère does not have particular sensitivity to diseases, except maybe rot. Ripens late season.
Availability: grafted vines of clone NE 1 A are already available
Type of wine/Flavours: Wines are rich, well coloured (about one third more anthocyanin that Cabernet Sauvignon), with
a high tannic content but sometimes it could be low in acidity and a little
bitter. The young wines are characterized by their herbaceous taste. A vegetal
character is usually dominant unless it reaches full maturity
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