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Vititec clone information 2024

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Paulsen 775

Paulsen 775

Origin: A Berlandieri x rupestris hybrid, obtained by Paulsen in Palermo, Sicily in 1894


Tip of the growing shoot: upright, flat, triangular, cobwebby, half-enclosed by the developing leaves which are greenish-bronze with wine-red edges; axis green, cobwebby.

Upper young leaf: folded, shiny brown on green background, downy on the upper surface, brush-like hairs on the veins on the lower surface.

Lower young leaf: orbicular, entire, dark green, glabrous on the upper surface, primary veins wine-red, slightly pubescent On the lower surface; petiolar sinus V—U-shaped, open; teeth irregular, convex, broader than long, mucronate. 775 P defoliates late.

Petiole: rather short, reddish-brown, pubescent.

Shoot: semi-upright in growth-habit with vigorous summer laterals, internodes wine-red, nodes not enlarged, violet-red, pubescent.

Flower: male, always sterile.

Tendril: bifurcated, violet-red, brush-like hairs at the base.

Cane: very thick, dark chocolate-brown, ribbed, polygonal in cross-section with a small pith and fairly broad diaphragm; wood very hard.

Dormant bud: small, dome-shaped, longer than broad, sharply pointed.
One-year-old root system resembles that of 110 R.

Aptitudes: According to Pastena (14) the cuttings of 775 P root and graft fairly well. This rootstock has a very good affinity with commercially cultivated V. vinifera varieties in Italy. In fertile soil its grafted vines are too vigorous, accompanied by a poor fruit set. 775 P accommodates itself well to soils which become dry and compact during summer, and also tolerates stagnant water in the soil. It can support up to 17 per cent active lime in the soil (14). Cosmo et al. (8) considered it to be the best rootstock obtained by Paulsen

Distribution: 775 P is practically unknown outside Italy. Its ungrafted vines grow very vigorously in dry badly-drained clay soils in South Africa.

From: Rootstocks for Grapevines. DP Pongracz

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